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The following materials are all by the Lancet Commission on Medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust 

The Lancet Commission on medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust | Berlin launch event

The report of the Lancet Commission on medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust explores medicine’s role in one of the darkest periods of modern history. In addition to a global launch in Vienna, the Commission revealed its findings and recommendations to an audience of academics, students, representatives of victims of the Nazi regime, and leaders of German and international medical institutions. Statements were given throughout the course of the event, and several important commitments to teach and honour this history - and its significance in global medicine - were made.

Announcing the Lancet Commission on Medicine and the Holocaust: Historical Evidence, Implications for Today, Teaching for Tomorrow

The official announcement of the Lancet Commission on Medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust: Historical Evidence, Implications for Today, Teaching for Tomorrow.
Published in The Lancet on January 26, 2021.

The report by the Lancet Commission on Medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust

On Nov. 9, 2023, the Lancet Commission on Medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust launched its report. We are inviting you to read it.

Testimony for the report launch: Jona Laks

Jona Laks, a Mengele's twin Holocaust survivor, recorded her testimony for the launch event of the report by the Lancet Commission on Medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust, along side her reaction to the content of the report.

Report Launch - Vienna

On Nov. 9, 2023, the Lancet Commission on Medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust launched its report in Vienna, Austria. The event was comprise of two parts- report launch and a symposium. We invite you to watch both in the following recording.

Testimony for the report launch: Lia Huber and Judith Barnea, the Csengeri twins

The Csengeri twins, Lia Huber and Judith Barnea, Mengele's twins Holocaust survivors, recorded their testimony for the launch event of the report by the Lancet Commission on Medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust, along side their reaction to the content of the report.

Historical, ethical, and educational aspects of Medicine and the Holocaust; a morning seminar with the Lancet commission on Medicine and the Holocaust and Israeli scholars

In April 2022 the Lancet commission on Medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust had a seminar with Israeli scholars in Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel.

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